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Estonia 495X235

Visit From Estonian Principal Offers Insight into Estonian Schooling

It’s always a great experience to meet new people who work within education & this week we have had the pleasure of hosting an international visitor from Estonia. Karmo Kyrvits, head teacher of Vory Upper Secondary State School in Estonia has spent 5 weeks in Grimsby shadowing both teachers and students to get a feel of what education is like in this country. Karmo has been impressed with how we promote teamwork and co – operation within college, something that he thinks isn’t so evident within Estonian Schools. This is the first time a trip like this has taken place at his school & Karmo is hoping that it will now become an annual visit for the rest of the staff at Vory Upper Secondary State School. We look forward to welcoming future staff and hope that this is the start of a new international relationship! Find out more

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The Franklin Interview Process

The interview process is nothing you need to worry about! Find out more

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Open Event

Book your place at our next Open Event Saturday 5th March 9:30am - 12:00pm. Find out more