Results for A Levels and Level 3 BTECs, Cambridge Technical, Criminology and Finance qualifications will be published on Thursday 13/08/2020 from 8 am. Results for GCSEs and Level 2 qualifications will be available the following week.
You will be able to collect your results online on Student FIS from 8 am. You can log in using your normal college username and password. If you do not know your password, you can also reset it online.
The college will be open from 9 am to students wishing to collect their results in person. Our staff will be available to offer help and support at what we know time of both anxiety and excitement. You can also phone the college on 01472 875000 if you need advice and guidance about your results.
To be able to keep everyone safe, we are asking that you only visit the site in person if needed.
There will be a one-way system operating through the college and access to hand sanitisers on entry. Please follow the social distancing guidance displayed on your visit.
The current situation has caused unprecedented changes to the process of awarding results this year and we know that you many of you will have questions about this. We are preparing a guide to help you understand the processes and will provide updates as the situation changes.
We wish all of our students every success in their results, and in their future progression choices.