January Exams - 06/01/2021
Franklin will be offering the opportunity for students to take the January examinations. Students should intend to continue with the planned examinations this month. The College's advice in deciding whether to attend for your examination, is that if you can, you should do so.
The College continues to be a safe environment and we have robust and safe examinations procedures in place for the small number of students who will be taking examinations at this time.
If you need help with transport getting into College for these exams please contact us.
We understand that some students will be isolating or shielding, or for other reasons may not be able to come into College to take their examination. Also, as previously, students who have developed Covid symptoms or are awaiting test results must not come into College.
For students who are unable to take these examinations, which will be a relatively large number across the country, the Government will work out with Exam Boards what follows in relation to assessments and qualification awards. At this point we can’t say what this will mean, but assure you that we will do our utmost to support the next steps for all students who cannot sit these examinations. We’re expecting further information form the Department for Education and will share this with you.
We will continue to update you as I receive more information. In particular, I know you will be concerned to know the plans for the awarding of final grades across all qualifications in the Summer. In the meantime, you can only do your best as we look forward to better and clearer times ahead.
Take care and please do contact us if you need anything,
Peter Kennedy