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Franklin students shine at Meet Your Future 2025

Students from across Franklin showcased their skills at the "Meet Your Future" event recently held at the Humber Royal Hotel in Grimsby. Building on the success of last year's event, the event was even bigger and better, featuring students from Franklin Sixth Form College, Waltham Tollbar Academy and King Edward VI Grammar School in Louth.

Meet Your Future was conceived by Mark Webb, Director at the Business Hive in Grimsby, and designed to connect local businesses with the exceptional young talent emerging from the region. As part of the initiative, Franklin students have undertaken a variety of employability-based workshops working with a group of successful local businesspeople and entrepreneurs, who have provided weekly sessions looking at key skills such as communication, persuasive writing and speaking, interviewing, body language and impact. This training has helped them to understand the job market, prepare for their future and set them on the path to achieve their goals and aspirations.  

Following the incredible success of last year's pilot, an astonishing 60% of Franklin students secured apprenticeships, employment, or work experience. Helen, a coach working with students on the initiative, has seen success first-hand, employing former Franklin student Lucy Foster as an assistant, Helen said: "Mark Webb asked me to be part of the first Meet the Future event last year. Straight away I knew this was something I had to be involved in.

"Working with students in the weeks leading up to the event was incredible. Each and every one of them grew and developed and the confidence in them all at the final event was amazing. The project is so rewarding for both students and employers.

"Working with Franklin College has allowed me to find my new assistant, Lucia. This has been a brilliant way of finding a new employee. Lucia has been working for Sills & Betteridge for six months and has gone from strength to strength."

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