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Franklin Student Wins National Air Cadet Charity Competition

Franklin College is delighted to announce that student Max Robinson has been named the winner of a prestigious national design competition run by the Air Cadet Charity, formally known as the Air Training Corps General Purposes Fund. The charity has supported cadets for over 60 years and recently changed its name to create awareness and develop their own visual identity.

As part of the rebrand, the charity wanted its new look to be shaped by its cadets and invited them to create a new logo as part of a national competition.

Over 250 cadets submitted designs, with Max's exceptional design being selected as the overall winner, earning him the honour of creating the official logo for the Air Cadet Charity.

Max, who is currently studying A Level Graphic Design, A Level Music and A Level English Literature at Franklin and is also an RAF Air Cadet was thrilled to learn of his win. Max said, "As a student of A Level Graphic Design, a super-curricular opportunity such as the Air Cadet Charity brand development with Design Kind is vastly beneficial; it helped me to think about colour palette and identity, consistency across the brand, and corporate design in general. Paul Cooke's guidance has seamlessly introduced me into the world of brand design."

As a result of his win, Max collaborated with leading branding agency Design Kind to develop his idea into a resolved brand identity for the Air Cadet Charity.

Max and his family will now attend the official launch event in London in the summer to celebrate Max's accomplishment and mark the official launch of his winning design as the logo for the charity.

For more information on the Air Cadet Charity visit