Congratulations to all our students who collected their GCSE results this week. We are celebrating excellent results, with 51 students achieving grade 4 and above in English and 43 achieving grade 4 and above in Maths. This accomplishment is a testament to the hard work, determination, and dedication of our students and the fantastic support from staff and student's families.
A special mention goes to Githma Madukalpa who has achieved Grade 9 in Maths. This places him among an elite group of only 33 students from1000s nationally sitting Edexcel Maths to attain this remarkable result. Gilthma said: "I worked hard for my exam and I'm extremely happy with my result. My teachers have been great, particularly Sam Stenton, who has given me so much support. He added: "I'm really enjoying being at Franklin. I've started A Level Maths and I'm looking forward to studying A Level Chemistry and Biology next year.
Wendy Ellis, Interim Principal, said: " We are extremely proud of our students and all they have achieved. These results highlight the excellent work taking place at Franklin by both staff and students."
These students will now continue their studies in a variety of subjects before taking further examinations later in the year.