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Vision, Values & Strategic Aims

Franklin Vision

To provide the best possible life chances for our community.

Franklin Values

Our College values are (ASPIRE):

  • Aspirational – Franklin is a place for all staff and students to fulfil their academic potential and achieve success.
  • Supportive – We take great pride in supporting all students, staff and stakeholders in realising their potential and pursuing their ambitions.
  • Persistent – At Franklin all staff and students work persistently to positively change lives through education.
  • Inclusive – Franklin is a place which takes great pride in encouraging all students to be the very best they can be and enabling them to see the best in themselves.
  • Respectful – It is an integral part of our institution that all students and staff promote mutual respect and recognise others individual strengths and differences.
  • Even and consistent – At Franklin we strive to ensure that all are treated equally and receive equal opportunities.

Our Intent

Franklin aims to be:

  • An inclusive Sixth Form College serving its community and local business
  • A high performing College – with outstanding progress and progression
  • A College campus that promotes learning and development
  • A great place to work

Our strategic objectives

Strategic Objective 1 – to be an inclusive Sixth Form College serving its community and local business

The College will remain inclusive in approach, retaining a curriculum which includes level 2 and level 3 provision and a range of academic and applied options as relevant and appropriate to our community and a small adult provision which is predominantly geared to supporting the development of adult numeracy and literacy locally.

Strategic Objective 2 – to continue to be a high performing College - with outstanding progress and progression

The College will increasingly be known locally as the most successful post-16 education provider because our students are guided to enrol on appropriate programmes, succeed beyond their expectations and beyond what might be expected from their incoming attainment and because our students go on to positive destinations which are aspirational and productive.

Strategic Objective 3 – to create a College campus that promotes learning and development

The College will continue to invest in the campus to meet the needs of its community.

Strategic Objective 4 – to be a great place to work

As the College grows and develops it is crucial that the College has a settled and happy staff body to support the students to achieve their highest ambitions.

Full college strategy

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