If you love solving problems and thinking creatively, this is the course for you. Studying Engineering will open up a range of exciting careers – from energy to aviation and beyond – and help you develop your skills in the design, development, manufacture, and maintenance of engineering products and systems
Complimentary courses
- Maths
Course Content
As well as physics and maths, you’ll study a variety of different forms of engineering with a major focus on electrical. You’ll learn how to design and test electronic circuits on printed circuit boards along with the use of simulation software in electronics. Use computer-aided design (CAD) software to design 3D products and learn how to programme a microchip and use it to control circuitry in project work. You’ll also be able to visit local universities and take part in projects and development programmes to gain valuable industry insights.Your Opportunities
Possible career paths
- Electrical / Electronic Engineer
- Design Engineer
- Civil Engineer
- Software Engineer
- Process Engineer
- Aerospace Engineer
- Energy Engineer
Your Assessment
- 33% Examination
- 67% Coursework
Our Entry Requirements
For the latest entry requirements for all our courses please click the following link:
For the latest entry requirements for all our courses please click the following link:
If you love solving problems and thinking creatively, this is the course for you. Studying Engineering will open up a range of exciting careers – from energy to aviation and beyond – and help you develop your skills in the design, development, manufacture, and maintenance of engineering products and systems
Complimentary courses
- Maths